Below is an interactive list of various resources throughout the Greater Los Angeles Area, all of which offer accessible and culturally informed health services.
We have also created printable versions of the Clinical and Non-clinical care resource list. That can be accessed by clicking the two buttons to the right.
Community Engagement Panelists
In accordance with PCH's mission of supporting the development of culturally-informed healthcare providers, we hope that this event will introduce members to an intersectional and holistic approach to various health-related fields. The speakers have tackled social issues such as homelessness, spread awareness of mental health services and the connection it has with physical health, and collectively address health disparities to advocate for and promote the well-being of historically underserved and/or marginalized groups.
Ultimately, we hope that this panel will inspire us to become respectful and compassionate community leaders. That it will help us see ourselves as agents of change, empowered and capable of making a positive impact on the health of the communities around us.

Anton Soriano - MPH Class of 2022 at Texas A&M School of Public Health
Anton recently graduated from his MPH program at the Texas A&M School of Public Health. In addition to obtaining a certificate in Maternal and Child Health, he was able to engage with his public health interests of preventative medicine and diabetes self-management. Beyond his Master’s Degree, Anton plans to get into med school and eventually practice as a family physician. Incorporating all the knowledge he has gained from the MPH program, Anton will address topics of health disparities and cultural competency.
Individual Presentation: 6:40 - 6:55 PM
Dr. Andrea (“Drea”) Letamendi
Dr. Drea is a licensed clinical psychologist, consultant, and TEDx speaker—specializing in trauma work, crisis response, and behavioral threat assessment—and currently serves as the Interim Director of the UCLA Resilience Center (and Associate Director of Mental Health Training, Intervention and Response for Res Life) where she develops, innovates, and oversees projects aimed at bettering mental health and providing well-being practices. She is a fellow at the Institute of Coaching at the Harvard School of Medicine affiliate, McLean, and serves private organizations and media companies as a consulting psychologist specializing in well-being initiatives. Dr. Drea's work has been featured in The Atlantic, the Associated Press, the L.A. Times, the New York Times, Vanity Fair, Psychology Today, and Wired. She has written several chapters and articles about the positive impact that mediated storytelling has on our mental health. Finally, Dr. Drea is the co-host and creator of The Arkham Sessions, a podcast that gives listeners worldwide insight into psychological science through the deep exploration of superheroes and their stories.
Individual Presentation: 6:55 - 7:10 PM

Dr. Francisco S. Sy, MD, DrPH
Dr. Francisco Sy is a Professor and the Chair of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) School of Public Health. He has also served as the Editor of AIDS Education and Prevention- An Interdisciplinary Journal since 1988. He earned his Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) degree in Immunology & Infectious Diseases in 1984 from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; and his Master of Science (SM) degree in Tropical Public Health in 1981 from Harvard T.F. Chan School of Public Health. Dr. Sy’s research expertise and interests include health disparities research, implementation science research, infectious disease epidemiology, HIV/AIDS, COVID-19, emerging and neglected diseases, community-based participatory research, sexual and gender minorities health research and global health.
Dr. Sy worked at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for 12 years from 2004 to 2016 and was was appointed as a Health Scientist Administrator in the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD). He served as the HHS Liaison with the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (WHIAAPI) Interagency Implementation Team. He assisted in the development of the first HHS agency strategic health plan for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Dr. Sy advocated and wrote the justifications for adding sexual and gender minorities (SGM) in the list of health disparities populations which was approved by the NIH Director and the HHS Secretary of Health in 2016. Dr. Sy was President of the Asian Pacific American Organization (APAO) at NIH. When he retired from NIH in May 2016, his colleagues at NIH, CDC, and the Federal Asian Pacific American Council (FAPAC) and HHS created the Francisco Sy Excellence in Mentorship Award. It is an annual award given to an outstanding scientist who has excelled in mentoring junior scientists at various federal agencies within HHS. At the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr. Sy was a Senior Health Scientist in the Program Evaluation Branch, Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention for 4 years from 2000 to 2004. He was a member of the CDC SARS Outbreak Investigation Team in 2003. He led the CDC SARS Community Outreach Team in Asian communities in the U.S. to mitigate the fear and stigma associated with SARS.
Individual Presentation: 7:10 PM - 7:25 PM
Maria Elena “Yey” Coronel- Executive Director of FASGI
Yey Coronel is a service-dedicated leader with an extensive community involvement that provides her with a unique multi-and inter-cultural experience. She was the first Filipino American to be featured for naturalization by Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti at his 2016 State of the City Address. Prior to working at the Filipino American Service Group, Inc. (FASGI), Yey worked in corporate management and held various positions for the City of Los Angeles, including Assistant Deputy Mayor for Mayor Richard Riordan, Director of Housing & Community Development, Liaison to the Asian American Community for Mayor James Hahn, and Legislative Analyst. Her vast experience spans over four decades in grants management, budget and finance, housing and urban development, economic development, homelessness, community development, human and social services, legislative analysis, contract negotiation and real estate.
Individual Presentation: 7:25 - 7:40 PM