Below is an interactive list of various resources throughout the Greater Los Angeles Area, all of which offer accessible and culturally informed health services.
We have also created printable versions of the Clinical and Non-clinical care resource list. That can be accessed by clicking the two buttons to the right.
Health education workshops
day one
day one
January 16, 2021
10:00 am - 3:30 pm
Please note that all listed times are in Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Time: 10:25 - 11:15 AM

Seeing beyond 2020: We are Kasama -- Dr. Melanie Sabado-Liwag, PhD, MPH
Together, let us recognize the unprecedented events and acknowledge the amazing work various people in our community have been committed to during 2020. Utilizing these efforts, let us move forward towards action and empowerment as we try to improve health and health equity for our community, our "Kasama" (together/partner in Filipino).
Time: 11:25 AM - 12:15 PM

Promoting Filipino Family Wellness During COVID-19 -- Dr. Joyce Javier, MD, MPH, MS, FAAP
This workshop will share lessons learned from the Filipino Family Health Initiative (, a state-wide initiative and research study aimed at promoting the emotional well-being of Filipino youth and families. Learn how Filipino families have benefited by watching parent testimonials and digital stories, how our team has adapted to the current COVID-19 pandemic, and how you and your family members can participate. For more information, email or call/text 323-691-0529.
Immunity in Community -- Charmaine Clamor, MPT, MS
Improving our immune response is vital during this pandemic. This workshop will discuss key factors on how we can improve our immune response and why being in a community while working on these goals will significantly improve likelihood of success in achieving them.

Time: 12:25 - 1:10 PM

Move and Feel: A Workshop to De-stress and Connect! -- Nicole Aniceto, MPH Student
A movement workshop that is Pilates-based to help stretch your muscles, decompress the spine, and bring more awareness within your body. This workshop is for all levels, no equipment required, but if you have some tools, like a ball, strap, pillows, or chair, they can be helpful! The exercises taught in this session can be taken with you and done at any time when you need to de-stress. Please be cautious if you have any prior injuries or conditions. See you there!
Time: 1:20 - 2:10 PM
Addictions in a time of COVID-19 -- Myron Dean Quon, Esq.
Opioid and other drug overdoses are sweeping the country during COVID-19. This workshop seeks to provide the risk and protective factors that can help you make healthier choices to avoid addiction.

Cancer: A Panel on Prevention, Advocacy, and Empowerment -- Pastor Rhonda Holbert, CEO of Celebrate Life Cancer Ministry and Shenazar Esmundo, MPH, CHES
The discussions in this panel will be centered on cancer prevention, advocacy, and empowerment. Pastor Rhonda Holbert will share her experiences as a breast cancer survivor and CEO of Celebrate Life Cancer Ministry, a community of cancer fighters, survivors and their supporters, while Shenazar Esmundo, MPH, CHES will share her experiences as the Filipinx Community Outreach Coordinator at Cedars-Sinai Cancer Research Center for Health Equity where outreach and engagement to address cancer disparities is emphasized.
Time: 2:20 - 3:10 PM
Heart Disease in Women of Color -- Dr. Donald Ware, MD, MPH
This workshop will explore health disparities that lead to common heart diseases in women of color that can go undetected or misdiagnosed.

The Basics of Stroke -- Dr. Antonio Moya, MD, MPH, MS
This workshop will highlight what a stroke is, how to prevent it, and how to treat it.​